The Inaugural Australian Role Playing Industry Awards were held last night at the beginning of ARCANACON 2020
I had the great honour to be one of the judges along with Reece Carter and Melody Watson. It was a tough Gig. Who knew so many Australians were doing such excellent work writing roleplaying games and related items? We chose a very fine group of works out of about 15 other very fine works.

Game of the Year – Good Society (Jane Austen) by Vee Hendro and Hayley Gordon from Storybrewers Roleplaying https://storybrewersroleplaying.com
Best Scenario – Reign of Terror (Call of Cthulhu does the French Revolution) by Mark Morrison, Penelope Love, James Coquillat, Darren Watson https://www.chaosium.com/reign-of-terror-pdf
Best PDF only product – The Facility by Mikhail Bonch-Osmolovskiy self-published on DriveThroughRPG and itch.io
Best Rules System – Good Society
Best Art work – the Disk of Ryleh by Allan Carey of Type40 https://type40.com.au/
Best Electronic Product – Syrinscape The Waterdeep DUNGEONS & DRAGONS RPG Adventure SoundPack syrinscape.com
Best Cartography – The Facility